Konstantina Pateraki

I started my journey as a crafts woman by studying handmade jewellery making with traditional techniques in Greece. I worked with lots of Gold/Silversmiths which helped me to decide what was the style I wanted to follow and call it my own. Also I taught adults for some time and I found it fascinating. The economical situation in Greece encouraged me to look to another country for a better work opportunities. I now live and work on the North coast of Scotland, running my own business designing and making Handmade jewellery. I teach adults once again. I get my inspiration for my work from the environment around me that is so unique to Scotland. It doesn't only have four seasons(which in Greece we only have two) and the colours change so dramatically, but each day can give so many different shapes,colours and feeling that you feel the need to express your self in some way. I believe its important for people to have access to arts and crafts in rural areas like ours especially in the dark winter months of the year.


The place I live and work now is a small valley with a river running to the sea through this lovely little beach, that is private almost to the residents of the valley. This little valley would be exposed to the elements if it wasn't for Island Roan to shelter it. Island Roan has a fascinating story to tell and I feel especially lucky to live in its shield. For me there is a magic to this place. To be exposed to the energy of nature and to feel so closely connected to the moon, the tides, the stars.

See more of Konstantina's work on her website or find her on Facebook.

Contact Konstantina